Friday, May 28, 2010

the perils of working in non photo blue...'s called "non-photo blue" for a reason. I am definitely behind right now-- two days of school bullshittery and headaches got me down. :\ Also, these pages are all in various stages of not being finished. Sorry guys.

Dance of the Dead project:

Drawing settings...not my forte.

The Sharpest Lives project:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kids' Comic Thumbnails

Here are the first six pages of thumbnails for the comic I'm working on right now. The whole thing is only eight pages, but I wanted to get as much up right now as possible for feedback because I have to finish the whole thing in just a couple weeks for a Detroit show. Hope everything is legible enough.

(note: only the first page links to a bigger/more readable size on this thing right now and I don't know how to fix that. Anyone know how to make all of them links? I don't want to give all of you eyestrain with this)