Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kids' Comic Thumbnails

Here are the first six pages of thumbnails for the comic I'm working on right now. The whole thing is only eight pages, but I wanted to get as much up right now as possible for feedback because I have to finish the whole thing in just a couple weeks for a Detroit show. Hope everything is legible enough.

(note: only the first page links to a bigger/more readable size on this thing right now and I don't know how to fix that. Anyone know how to make all of them links? I don't want to give all of you eyestrain with this)


  1. Heya Steph!

    This is looking really cute so far! How many more pages are you thinking of doing? One of the only parts that I was a little bit lost,(maybe its just me) was at the top of page 5- where Prudence goes to build her lemonade stand? Maybe its because the thumbnails are so rough? I guess its that I expected for her to come back with lemonade, rather than build her own lemonade stand (which is very funny), so it makes it a little hard to follow as to what the rumbling and looming thing over Ana and the boy are. But maybe I'm being stupid and thats what you were going for- in which case well done! Also, knowing how funny you are, maybe you can come up with something more biting than 'He's probably right' in the middle of page 2? Or do you want to keep Ana very sweet and innocent? In any case i LOVE LOVE LUUURVE that disgusting lemonade image! It made me crack up. Hope this made sense/wasn't bitchy? Anywho I can't wait to see the next part of this!

    I will post some diary strips shortly (today if all goes well!)

  2. No, that actually helps a lot! The whole comic is short, only eight pages total (it's kind of a throwaway thing for a kids indie comic show in Detroit, but it's good practice and these sell more than any of my other comics anyway at these shows). Thanks; can't wait to see your new diary strips too!
